Everything you need to know for a killer night of live music is here.
Our concert tickets are provided by Showslinger. DO NOT purchase tickets from any other sites (including resellers) - this is the ONLY authorized ticket site. We can only guarantee that tickets purchased through our website and Showslinger are valid. Tickets purchased through secondary sources/reseller sites may or may not be legitimate. Pat Garrett Amphitheater does not endorse the use of ANY secondary ticketing sources. For questions with a ticket order, please contact customer service at info@showslinger.com or (888) 818-SHOW (7469). For all other inquiries contact Pat Garrett Amphitheater directly at info@flagshipmusicproductions.com
Please read and follow all venue rules to make your experience at the Amphitheater safe and enjoyable.
Gate Entry:
Pat Garrett Amphitheater is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property. Please leave all unnecessary/unauthorized items safely locked in your vehicle. ABSOLUTELY NO RE-ENTRY: Once you enter the grounds through the gate you are not permitted to leave and re-enter. Guests entering the gates should prepare accordingly and have tickets, valid photo ID, and all items ready to be scanned/searched at the gate. There are no provisions for returning unauthorized items to you. If you must return an item to your vehicle, you must go to the back of the line for entry. Individuals who deliberately attempt to bring unauthorized items through gates are subject to removal from the premises without refund of ticket purchases.
Items Permitted:
Camp chairs or low back lawn chairs. Seating is not provided by venue.
NOTE: Chairs must be removed from bags for inspection when entering the gate
Jackets, blankets, rain ponchos. Seating is not provided by venue.
Children/Baby Strollers (see additional information below)
Items NOT Permitted:
No outside alcoholic beverages are permitted
NO weapons of any kind (knives, mace, box cutters, etc)
Professional cameras (with a removable lens), recording devices (unless band approves), GoPros, drones or related gear
Flash photography of any kind
Laser pointers, fireworks
No zero gravity chairs
Pop-up Canopies:
Any items that may be deemed a safety hazard or annoyance to participants or guests
Illegal substances
Outside food or beverages (see additional information below)
While our events are open to all ages, not all events are appropriate for children. Be advised your child may be exposed to loud noise/music, profanity or adult language and the consumption of alcoholic beverages by adults 21+. CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN AT ALL TIMES.
Baby Strollers/Transportation:
No vehicles are authorized inside the venue gates other than the following unless operated by venue staff;
Baby Strollers (small children only)
Wheelchairs and handicap transportation devices
Parking Fees:
All parking is cash $10 for cars / $20 oversize
Handicap Parking:
Is limited with a valid handicap placard and located in front of the main gate.
All overflow will be directed to drop off handicap passengers with escorts and park in general admission lot.
Showtime is always approximate and depend on when the band(s) are finished with sound checks, meet & greets (when available), etc. Usually, the headlining act will go on stage around the time of sunset, depending on if/when any opening band(s) perform. We recommend you arrive for gate time to ensure you are in and seated for the show.
All ticket purchases are final. NO REFUNDS for any reason. If an event is rescheduled and/or cancelled, every effort will be made to contact ticket holders via e-mail or text so be sure to provide complete and correct contact information when ordering tickets. Any/all cancellations and/or rescheduled events will be posted on this website as soon as information becomes available.
Anyone who has purchased a ticket to a rescheduled event, your original ticket purchase will automatically transfer to the newly rescheduled event date. Rescheduled dates will be posted on this website as soon as information becomes available and every effort will be made to contact all ticket holders via e-mail. If you cannot attend the rescheduled date you must contact us at info@flagshipmusicproductions.com no less than 30 days prior to the rescheduled date to request that a credit to a future event be issued.
In the event that a concert is cancelled and cannot be rescheduled, refunds will be given.
NOTE: Service fee is nonrefundable
Our concerts are rain or shine. Please dress according to the weather forecast. In the event of rain, the concert WILL go on (usually the most memorable nights!). In the event of severe weather/lightning, you'll be asked to return to your vehicles. The concert may be delayed or rescheduled.
We have several food trucks on site with a variety of food and non-alcoholic beverages for purchase as well as wine & sprints bars for purchase (Bars are CASH ONLY)
No outside non alcoholic or alcoholic beverages are permitted.
Lodging (see below)
Trash receptacles are located throughout the venue grounds for your convenience. PLEASE KEEP OUR GROUNDS LITTER FREE BY DISPOSING OF TRASH IN DESIGNATED RECEPTACLES.
ATM machine is located inside the venue
For most shows parking lot and venue gates open at 6:00 PM. Check each event page for any changes
Box Office opens 2 hours prior to show time.
TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Check each event page for any changes!
Please Note: Ticket prices will increase by $10 per on Day-of-Show (if available).
Thank you!